Today, Thursday, February 7, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of Vartanantz, commemorating the war between pagan Persia and Christian Armenia in 451. The king of Persia ordered all Christians under his rule to abandon Christianity and embrace Zoroastrianism. The Armenian clergy and ruling princes refused...

His Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Hagopian was in California for the annual clergy gathering and conference on the occasion of the Feast of St. Ghevont and the Priests that began Monday evening and concluded the evening of Wednesday, January 31, 2013. This year the three North American...

The Prelate traveled to California this week for the annual clergy gathering and conference on the occasion of the Feast of St. Ghevont and the Priests, which convened from January 29 to 31. This year the three North American Prelacies (Eastern, Western, and Canadian) joined...

  Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Christ was Born and Revealed Blessed is the Revelation of Christ On Sunday, January 6, the Armenian Church will celebrate the Feast of the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In Armenian tradition, this feast day commemorates...

Under the Auspices of His Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Hagopian, Prelate, the Armenian Prelacy officially launched its annual food drive across its churches in Canada during this year's Thanksgiving weekend. With the Holidays just around the corner, this was an opportunity for parishioners to show their gratitude...

Աստուածայայտնութիւնը՝ Վերասրբագործումը Մայրութեան   «Մի վախնար, Մարիամ, որովհետեւ Աստուծոյ շնորհքին արժանացար: Ահա պիտի յղանաս եւ զաւակ մը ծնիս...

Under the Auspices of His Eminence, Archbishop Khajag Hagopian, Prelate, the Armenian Prelacy of Canada’s annual tree lighting ceremony was held at the Prelacy on the evening of December 14, 2012. After the official lighting of the grand Christmas tree adorned with the Prelacy’s official colour,...

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