The Catholicosate of Cilicia, in partnership with the Government of Artsakh, planned and sponsored a construction project to rebuild and revitalize the border village of Nor Ghazanchi (to be renamed NOR GILIGIA) located in the Martakert District, north of Stepanakert. The Armenian Prelacy of Canada...

Հովանաւորութեամբ Գերաշնորհ Տ. Խաժակ Սրբ. Արք. Յակոբեանի, Կազմակերպութեամբ Առաջնորդարանի Կանանց Խորհուրդին, Ուրբաթ, Մայիս 3, 2013-ի երեկոյեան, տեղի ունեցաւ ցուցահանդէս-վաճառք՝ արուեստագէտ ԿԱՐԷՆ ՊԵՏՐՈՍԵԱՆԻ ստեղծագործութիւններուն: Ցուցահանդէսի հասոյթը պիտի տրամադրուի Հայեցի Դաստիարակութեան Խորհուրդի Մանկապատանեկան Հրատարակութեան Ծրագրին: [nggallery id=13]...

On May 9th, the Armenian Church celebrated the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (“Hampartsoum” in Armenian). The day marks the ascent of our Lord into heaven, on the 40th day after his resurrection. According to Biblical scripture the Ascension took place in...

On Sunday, April 7, the Armenian Church will celebrate the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary. This feast day is one of five devoted to the blessed mother of Jesus Christ, and the first such feast to arise in a given year. It concerns the defining...

This Sunday, March 24, is Palm Sunday commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week. The Church is joyful after forty days of repentance. Christ is coming into Jerusalem. He is coming in the name of the Lord in fulfillment of the...

We are now more than half-way through Great Lent (Wednesday was Michink, the median day of Lent). This Sunday, March 10, is the Sunday of the Judge (Tadavori Giragi). The Gospel reading for this day is the parable told by Jesus about a widow and...

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